Deploy your personal portfolio with a custom domain on Github
Creating and hosting a portfolio is what every modern day programmer has to do. I did it a few days back. At first, I didn’t know anything about the matter at hand. I did some research and was able to find a way that is super fast. I thought to myself so why not make this tedious process an easy one for beginners.. W e are going to deploy a static website (a portfolio) with a domain name of our choice and host it through github-pages. So let’s get started !! ... Here is what I did to host my Portfolio 1. G et a domain name GitHub offer for free a domain name which is , We all can agree that this domain name doesn’t look good so we are going to get a cool domain name. in my case i bought it from Hostinger for only $1 . Or you can get it for free on Freenom There is .tk as top level domain that is available for free. So just visit the link and get a domain name. Since we are hosting a portfolio so it is advised to get a domain t...