Why I’m blogging, and why you should too.

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Why I’m blogging, and why you should too.

This is my first of hopefully more-than-one blog posts. I have high hopes for this new endeavor, If anyone learns something from this — about being o blogger or about me — I’ll consider it a smashing success.

So, I am blogging now because I am not a good blogger, and therefore I need practice. I understand by constantly writing, I am on my way to become a better blogger in the future.

The following content is one of the many reasons I want to blog …


Build Character & Discipline

Anyone who thinks that blogging isn’t challenging hasn’t really done it. It is a challenge to sit down and write, and to do that consistently. One can simply become better in any area by constantly pushing oneself to practice. Sometimes, You would feel lazy or unworthy to write a blog, but by practicing self-discipline and forcing your self to write a blog is an amazing feeling.

Share my thoughts and lessons learned

I am planning to share programming lessons learned online because someone might find the lessons learned used. Even if it doesn’t, it still serves as my journal.

Read more & learn more

“If you want to be a blogger, i would say : read a lot, it empowers you to start.”

In the past month, I had to do a lot of research, read a lot of articles, watch a lot of videos, and listen to a lot of podcasts, just so that I could come up with great and meaningful topics to write about. By preparing myself with a blog topic, I have learned many other things in the process. It’s really interesting how much free content is online for us to learn from. Moreover, I learn things better through “teaching” them, as “Teaching is the best way to learn.”

Become a better thinker

I actually started another blog which is a Laravel 8 tutorial for beginners and while explaining it I found out that writing really challenged me in many different ways. I have to make decisions about the format of my blogging, the wording of my paragraphs, images or quotes to include in blogging, what content to write about, and the depth and focus of each article. All of these decisions allowed me to become a better thinker.

Build healthy habits

I spend almost all of my free time either reading the things I enjoy, watching videos on self-development, listening to podcasts, or learning how to become a better writer. Through blogging, I really believe that it will empower me to build overall better habits because I am so focused on learning more content on self-growth and becoming a better person.


Take Action Today!

Would love to hear your opinion on this post, please share them in the comments. Your feedback will make me a better writer and in return provide better content. I welcome any feedback.


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